Registration Procedure (For App Users)

We will explain the steps for new registration.
If you are not using the app, please check here.


1. Prepare the "登録用メールアドレスregistration email address)" or "児童IDとパスコードChild ID and passcode)" provided by the school or facility.

2. Make sure to configure your email settings to allow emails from [] .

*If you do not configure these settings, you may not receive emails from the school or facility after registration.
*For SoftBank or Y!mobile users, please add "" to the "Approved List."


*These instructions are for first-time users of the Machicomi app.

If you are already using the app and wish to register or add a new group, launch the app and select [グループを追加する(Add Group)] from the home screen.


Install and launch the app, then tap [新規登録(New Registration)].


If a warning about an existing registration appears, tap [閉じる(Close)] if not needed.


Read the Machicomi terms of service and tap [同意(Agree)].


Enter the necessary information and tap [登録(Register)].


Tap the URL in the auto-reply email to launch the Machicomi app.

*If you do not receive the verification code email, please check the "Domain Specified Email Reception Settings".


The user information input screen is optional; you can skip it by tapping "スキップしてグループトップへ(Skip to Group Home)".


From here, the steps differ for those notified of a "登録用メールアドレスregistration email address)" and those notified of a "児童IDとパスコードChild ID and passcode)".
Please proceed accordingly.



■For Those Notified of a "登録用メールアドレス(Registration Email Address)"

Tap "[登録用メールアドレス]を通知された方(Those Notified of a [Registration Email Address])."


Enter the registration email address provided by the school or facility, then tap [登録(Register)].


Confirm the group name to be registered and tap [次へ(Next)].


Enter your name and its pronunciation (furigana), then tap [次へ(Next)].

*From July 12, 2023, names must be entered separately as first and last names.

*Notes: Spaces cannot be entered in the "Last Name" field. If needed, add them in the "First Name" field.

    Last Name [Original], First Name [Family Name]

*Depending on the school's settings, you may need to enter information other than your name. Follow the on-screen instructions.


Registration is complete. Tap "トップへ(Home)" to return to the app's home screen.



■For Those Notified of a "児童IDとパスコード(Child ID and Passcode)"

Tap "[児童IDとパスコード]を通知された方(Those Notified of a [Child ID and Passcode])".


Enter the "児童ID(Child ID)" and "パスコード(passcode)", select your relationship to the child, then tap "次へ(Next)".


The group name and child’s name corresponding to the entered "児童ID(Child ID)" will be displayed. Confirm the details and tap "登録する(Register)".


Registration is complete. Tap "トップへ(Home)" to return to the app's home screen.